Welcome to Mind Body Balance Wellness coach.
I am a certified preventive and proactive health coach provider who loves and enjoys putting into action what I have learned about Functional Systemic Health, Gut Brain Health, Mental Health, Mind Body Connection and Cultures.
Currently, I am working as a Holistic Preventive Health Care Provider where I provide my expertise in oral health, nutrition, Integrative wellness, and its relatedness to systemic health. Most of my patients had a history or are struggling from an auto-immune disorder or chronic disease. In addition to that, I provide integrative health coaching remotely where I provides integrative health coaching for people who need lifestyle modification through behavioral change in line with their own value to reach their optimal health using MI process and Duke MI coaching process model.
My twelve years’ experience in preventative health care includes but not limited to working with clients in pediatric, geriatric, adults, and special needs patients who may or may not have chronic illnesses or habits that are limiting their optimallife experiences. My passion of helping people to thrive and my personal experience with chronic disease and life challenges got me into integrative health coaching journey that I started in 2019.
I am very goal orientated but most of all and simply, I love being an integrative health coach as it is more about making a difference in people’s life.