I know how it is to feel out of control around food & put your wellbeing LAST because you’re putting everyone else’s needs above your own.
I spent YEARS struggling to…
Lose weight
Find the time to exercise
Not DREAD exercise & healthy foods
Prioritize my sleep
Keep up with the stressful task of tracking “points,” macros, etc.
Master my “will power”
It felt like I was on an endless search for the ultimate diet or magic formula that would solve all my problems overnight. I was always hungry, felt like I had to eat every 3 hours, & constantly “starting over” when it came to forming healthy habits.
Diets & extremes do not work. You’ve probably heard this before a million times, but it’s the truth! If you feel deprived, like you have NO willpower, & like you’re ALWAYS falling off the “wagon,” I have good news for you…
You don’t have to feel lonely or frustrated on your journey. After years of feeling that way myself, I discovered an ancestral approach to eating, moving, and living… My life began to change in ways that I never thought was possible.
When I learned about the ancestral approach, I realized it was not another diet. It is a way of living. The more I studied & implemented the ancestral approach to eating, moving, and living, the easier my healthy lifestyle got. I loved it so much that I got my Primal Health Coach Certification & knew I wanted to make it my mission to help other women feel as free & healthy as I did.